Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

  • Arts & Humanities

Happy Birthday to The Simpsons!

I’ve been a vegetarian for over a decade and inevitably, when I meet someone new, they end up asking me questions. How and why did I stop eating meat? Do I miss it? Do I cheat? Long ago I stopped telling them the real story (which is dreadfully boring) and started recounting the scene below […]

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Brave New Words: Expletives & Profanity

Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction is edited by Jeff Prucher. Prucher’s entertaining entries are a window to the entire science fiction genre, through the words invented and passed along throughout the years.

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An Honor For Memory

Today we will look more closely at two of these titles, Memory and Brain by Larry R. Squire and Memory From A to Z by Yadin Dudai. Below is an excerpt from the beginnin of Memory and Brain. Check back later today to learn more about Memory From A to Z.

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National Poetry Month: Pirates of the Avant Garde

Now, with the web, and the growing number of online archives devoted to (for lack of better words) avant garde and experimental writing movements we are in a new age of access. Some of this work is up through the benevolence of the writer and creator, some of it, must belong to the true heirs of Mayakovsky. Three great resources here…

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National poetry month: fairytale of reality

Hailing originally from New York City, the Buffalo Poets are composed of four core members: Roger Kenny, Aaron Arnout, Noah Levin and David Acevedo. The Buffalo have many artists throughout America including, James Honzik, Michael Franklin, Kevin Callahan and the infamous activist Rafael Bueno.

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