Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

  • Arts & Humanities

The Pursuit of Happiness

‘Philosophers have an infuriating habit of analysing questions rather than answering them’, writes Terry Eagleton, who, in “The Meaning of Life”, asks the most important question any of us ever ask, and attempts to answer it.

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Well Regulated: The Lost Meaning of the Second Amendment

By Saul Cornell Political reactions to the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech have been predictable. Leading Republicans invoke the 2nd amendment, or suggest arming students, while the Democratic leadership scrambles for cover seeking to avoid the wrath of NRA. If we are to make any progress in formulating effective gun policies that will reduce America’s […]

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A Very Autry Christmas

Okay, I know Christmas is quite far away but I couldn’t resist sharing this great video of Gene Autry on the The Statler Brothers show in 1985. To learn more about Gene Autry check out yesterday‘s post with Holly George-Warren author of Public Cowboy No. 1: The Life and Times of Gene Autry.

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