Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

  • Arts & Humanities

Mother’s Marathon

Joyce Antler, author of You Never Call! You Never Write: A History of the Jewish Mother, is the Samuel Lane Professor of American Jewish History and Culture at Brandeis University. Yesterday we posted a Q and A with her daughter, comedian, Lauren Antler. Last week Joyce wrote about Passover. Today she weighs in on the […]

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Forbidden Fruit: An Excerpt

The plasticity of sexuality quickly becomes evident when one moves from talking about historical doctrine to speaking with real people. Indeed, understanding biblical texts and moderns’ interpretations of them is only so helpful. It provides a clear sense of what the religious resources about sex are, but conveys nothing of how regular people draw upon them, if at all. Even survey data—of which I will make extensive use—are limited in their ability to convey just how adolescents really think about sex, how they desire its pleasure or fear its pain, how they actually go about making sexual decisions, and how they reconcile their religious faiths with the choices they make.

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Forbidden Fruit: An Author Reflects

Mark Regnerus is Assistant Professor of Sociology and a Faculty Research Associate in the Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin. His new book, Forbidden Fruit: Sex and Religion in the Lives of American Teenagers tells the definitive story of the sexual values and practices of American teenagers.

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An Easter Journey Into The Silent Land

In anticipation of Easter, today we are excerpting from Into The Silent Land: A Guide to the Christian Practice of Contemplation by Martin Laird. Laird’s truly beautiful book shows that the Christian tradition of contemplation has its own refined meditation teachings similar to the Hindus and Buddhists. He brings together the ancient wisdom of the […]

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Dancing the Tarantella

Sadly the movers are coming for my computer soon, but before they do, here is one last post for today. I was playing around on the electronic version of The International Encyclopedia of Dance and found this entry about the Tarantella dance. Keep reading to find out how dance and spiders are connected. Tarantella. Although […]

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Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ben’s Place of the Week

Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina Coordinates: 43 59 N 18 10 E Population: 15,310 (1991 census) There are plenty of cases where tourists have been lured to destinations to see replicas of ancient architecture, or commercial complexes masquerading as cultural monuments, but how about sites that are arguably hoaxes? Residents of Visoko, a short distance northwest […]

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Capturing the Beholder with Honest Art

It is no secret that art moves us in mysterious ways. Below Cait Irwin, author of Monochrome Days: A Firsthand Account of One Teenager’s Experience With Depression, describes how art helped her cope with depression.

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The ABC’s of GBS: Part 1

This week we present the first installment of Evan’s series on “The ABC’s of Google Book Search.” With his help, we hope to untangle the intricacies, and express our excitement, about the future of publishing.

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