Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

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Friday Pet Blogging: Nikita & Redford

Though typically considered enemies and many times relegated to different parts of the yard, we are here today to take the first steps to bridge the gap between our species. Representing for canines will be Redford, and weighing in for the feline perspective will be Nikita. Redford and Nikita have agreed to meet on neutral territory to open up a dialogue and see if they can find some common ground for their people to run around on.

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Linked Up: Speedos, Underwear, Insults

The heat wave! It broke! Now it’s only…in the high 80’s! To be honest, it was very hard to focus this week when all we New Yorkers could do was sweat, and complain about the garbage smells, and whine about how it was only 67° in Los Angeles. Other than that, though, I had a fabulous week. I learned about Meg Cabot’s crush on Michael Nourri, tweeted about #DraculaOnTwitter, and publicly embarrassed our new assistants, so I’m pretty darned pleased with myself. Below are some other things that kept me distracted from the heat.

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Linked Up: Pokémon, Tuna, KFC

This has been a fantastic week for me. I didn’t spill my coffee once, I (almost) cleaned my desk, and I finished Mad Men season 1. (Yes, I know I’m way behind.) Here in the States, it’s the 4th of July this weekend. Well, I suppose it will be the 4th of July everywhere, but for us it’s Independence Day, and I’m headed to Washington DC. How will you be celebrating? Leave a comment and let me know! In the meantime, here are some items that caught my attention this week.

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