National Poetry Month: An Untitled Poem
We are pleased to bring you another poem by Noah Levin (an OUP employee also!) Feast your eyes below. by Noah Levin
We are pleased to bring you another poem by Noah Levin (an OUP employee also!) Feast your eyes below. by Noah Levin
A video for Poetry Month.
A poem for Poetry Month by King Otho.
The revolution will undoubtedly be televised. This blog is a piece of it.
Now, with the web, and the growing number of online archives devoted to (for lack of better words) avant garde and experimental writing movements we are in a new age of access. Some of this work is up through the benevolence of the writer and creator, some of it, must belong to the true heirs of Mayakovsky. Three great resources here…
Hailing originally from New York City, the Buffalo Poets are composed of four core members: Roger Kenny, Aaron Arnout, Noah Levin and David Acevedo. The Buffalo have many artists throughout America including, James Honzik, Michael Franklin, Kevin Callahan and the infamous activist Rafael Bueno.
Sadly the movers are coming for my computer soon, but before they do, here is one last post for today. I was playing around on the electronic version of The International Encyclopedia of Dance and found this entry about the Tarantella dance. Keep reading to find out how dance and spiders are connected. Tarantella. Although […]
It is no secret that art moves us in mysterious ways. Below Cait Irwin, author of Monochrome Days: A Firsthand Account of One Teenager’s Experience With Depression, describes how art helped her cope with depression.
There is no perfect marriage between feminism (as a political ideology) and art (as a cultural activity). Feminism promises at the same time to enrich the products of art, to expose the pretensions and vested interests in art and to break open the category of art altogether.
A closer look at the art of Von Rydingsvard.
The biography of Jacob Epstein.
A biography of Benjamin West.
By Brian Fagan When I sat down to compile my latest book From Stonehenge to Samarkand, I found my greatest inspiration in the writings of a virtually forgotten English writer, Rose Macaulay. Her classic book, Pleasure of Ruins, first appeared in the 1950s and was reprinted with evocative photographs by Reny Beloff a decade later. […]
by Barbara Novak The Whitney Biennial has been notably challenged lately for including European artists in a show at a Museum of American Art. But such critiques misunderstand the nature of the question “What is American in American Art?” “American” is not a nationally distilled “ingredient” injected into our art by virtue of birth or […]