The Glamour of Princess Diana
An excerpt from Glamour: A History by Stephen Gundle, discussing the glamour of Diana, Princess of Wales
An excerpt from Glamour: A History by Stephen Gundle, discussing the glamour of Diana, Princess of Wales
An excerpt from On Living in an Old Country by Patrick Wright.
An excerpt from Design in the USA by Jeffrey L. Meikle.
An excerpt from Tokyo: A Cultural History.
A look at two very personal cover images.
James Hall looks at Titian’s Diana and Actaeon.
OUP UK’s Head of Publicity, Kate Farquhar-Thomson, heads to the BA Festival of Science in Liverpool
The answer’s to this morning’s quiz.
A Tony Award quiz…
The answers to the quiz from this morning.
A quiz about Tony award winners.
Who does Tony hate?
Jennifer got a gleam in her eye – and she told me all about her favourite title ‘A Geishas Journey’. It was a book about young Japanese girl who sets out to master the ancient art of being geisha. I was fascinated about young Ruriko’s transformation from a school girl into the adult geisha, Komomo.
An excerpt from Cynthia Freeland’s ‘But is it Art?’.
Hischak looks at Tony award favorites.
A look at the Szyk Haggadah.