National Autism Awareness Month: Stress and Coping
Autism confounds researchers but one way of understanding it is to look through the lense of stress and coping.
Autism confounds researchers but one way of understanding it is to look through the lense of stress and coping.
Earlier today we posted an article by Cait Irwin about art and expression. In Irwin’s book, (co-written by Dwight Evans, M.D. and Linda Wasmer Andrews), Monochrome Days, she shares her experiences as a young women suffering from depression and her road to recovery. The book also explains what is currently known about depression in adolescents, […]
Managing Your Relationships.
Relationship advice.
Valuing yourself and three conditions for fruitful change.
An excerpt from the book, Psychology of Terrorism.
Four ways of helping yourself get down to work.
A 14-minute documentary about a Chicago psychologist who managed to have a German family awarded the Yad Vashem “Righteous Among the Nations” title for saving her father’s life in April 1945. The recognition represents the culmination of a long, difficult personal and professional journey for Mona Sue Weissmark, psychology professor and author of “Justice Matters.” The documentary aired nationwide on WDR German television ( in Germany) and was just distributed to schools and churches throughout Germany.
What do you think of violent video games?
A closer look at happiness.
David Tolin, PhD provides some advice for confronting a loved one who hoards.
Are you a lark, an owl, or neither?