Putting positive planning into telemedicine projects
Introducing the Telemedicine Program Design Canvas, a new implementation tool to help practitioners design and build better remote healthcare programmes.
Introducing the Telemedicine Program Design Canvas, a new implementation tool to help practitioners design and build better remote healthcare programmes.
Explore milk consumption by humans and lactase tolerance with a look at the domestication of milk producing mammals over the past 10,000 years and milk consumption across different cultures leading to some adults no longer having the ability to digest lactose.
A recent study reveals the genetic mechanisms by which the visual systems of Antarctic icefishes have adapted to both the extreme cold and the unique lighting conditions under Antarctic sea ice.
The discussions surrounding ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art natural language processing AI, are hard to miss. With its capabilities to draft articles, engage in written conversations, and provide complex coding solutions, ChatGPT holds great potential to revolutionize how people seek health information. In November 2022, OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, first powered by GPT-3.5 architecture; it is now even […]
One of the best ways organisations can enhance their employees’ careers is through access to career coaching. Career coaching can be accessed through external providers or delivered internally by suitably trained members of staff.
How can the public health community use the commercial determinants of health lens to better protect human and planetary health and reduce the stark health inequities that characterize the world today? We suggest four cross-cutting strategies.
Does the recent, impressive performance of Large Language Models, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, have any repercussions for the way in which linguists carry out their work? And what is a Language Model anyway?
A future human mission to Mars will be very dangerous, both as a result of factors already known but intensified, as well as new risk factors. It is worth raising the question of the ethicality of the decision to send humans into such a dangerous environment.
In this interview, Eduardo Salas and Scott Tannenbaum share their thoughts on the future of work and how to build a successful team.
A new study reveals that egg yolk proteins may have been co-opted to provide maternal nutrition in live-bearing sharks and their relatives.
The blog post is based on an article published by Animal Frontiers which tackles meat consumption and whether it’s healthy or not, while also addressing societal and environmental elements as well. Explore these facets of the agriculture industry with an accompanying infographic.
When the pandemic occurred, a major shift to virtual work occurred out of necessity and those in corporate settings adapted magnificently to a new way of working. Where does this leave the corporate office and what are the long-term ramifications for hybrid and remote work?
Veronica Schmidt Harvey and Kenneth P. De Meuse, editors of The Age of Agility, offer valuable insight into the concept of “learning agility” and strategies that promote more effective leadership. They are both experts in the field of leadership practical experience developing healthy skills that help both individuals and organizations to thrive.
An interview with organizational psychologists Adrienne J. Colella and Eden B. King, discussing trends in the workplace and how organizations can prepare/adapt to the future of work, enabling employees to flourish and do their best work. This particular interview covers workplace discrimination, employee wellbeing, flexible working and more.
Dr Joe Ungemah, author of Punching the Clock, examines whether the future of work is compatible with maintaining the social fabric of the workplace and the psychological needs of workers.
If you go back a mere 40 years or so, not a long time really, then you pretty much arrive at the time when the modern study of ancient tsunamis began. Before then there had been some work, but it really kicked off with Brian Atwater and his work on the 1700 CE Cascadia earthquake […]