In order to celebrate the release of Shakespeare: A Playgoer and Reader’s Guide, we created a quiz to see how well you know Shakespeare’s plays! Put your knowledge to the test and see how many of these famous quotes you can correctly complete. Are you a beginner bard enthusiast, or are you secretly Shakespeare himself? Why not find out?

So you think you know Shakespeare? [Quiz]
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Can’t believe you got the quote wrong! No “within”, no “the”
“The fault (deere Brutus) is not in our Starres,
But in our Selves, that we are underlings.”
spelling and capitalization from the First Folio, the only source for this play.
“Fun Fact” #2 is fascinating. I hadn’t realized people were identifying Prospero with the playwright as early as the 1660s. Before dismissing that inviting theory, please read Henry James’s Preface to The Tempest, available in the Library of America edition of his essays. It’s not accurate to dismiss a theory as “sentimental” when it appeals to us both intellectually as well as emotionally.
Great quiz
Thoroughly enjoyable! Bring back live performances to the Globe and RSC please!