Rock The Vote: Favorite Fake Culinary Icons
Who is your favorite culinary icon who never lived?
Who is your favorite culinary icon who never lived?
By Saul Cornell Political reactions to the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech have been predictable. Leading Republicans invoke the 2nd amendment, or suggest arming students, while the Democratic leadership scrambles for cover seeking to avoid the wrath of NRA. If we are to make any progress in formulating effective gun policies that will reduce America’s […]
Party with OUP at BEA!
What do you think of mass culture reinterpretations of Alice? What is your favorite?
Corey Podolsky has written an excellent essay, Book Widgets and Book Selling 2.0 that clearly explains the thinking behind the large scale repository efforts underway at a few publishing giants. But…
Cory Podolsky looks at book widgets.
I’ve been a vegetarian for over a decade and inevitably, when I meet someone new, they end up asking me questions. How and why did I stop eating meat? Do I miss it? Do I cheat? Long ago I stopped telling them the real story (which is dreadfully boring) and started recounting the scene below […]
Consumer choice and publisher dilemma in the era of Google Book Search.
There are so many great posts showing up in my bloglines today I had to share some of them! Check these tidbits out.
Evan Schnittman wrote an article for Publishing News last week entitled “Facing The Digital Reality.”
Today we will look more closely at two of these titles, Memory and Brain by Larry R. Squire and Memory From A to Z by Yadin Dudai. Below is an excerpt from the beginnin of Memory and Brain. Check back later today to learn more about Memory From A to Z.
Some exciting news to report.
This week we present the first installment of Evan’s series on “The ABC’s of Google Book Search.” With his help, we hope to untangle the intricacies, and express our excitement, about the future of publishing.
A look at PTSD in the news.
The opening line of William MacNamara’s story “Publishers seek to play Google at its own game” ominously portends “Publishers are racing to digitize their books as they seek to counter the threat posed by the internet giant Google.”