Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

Park Guell

I spent one of the best days of my life in Park Guell in Barcelona. It was the end of a long trip and my companion and I were tired. We came to the park from the back, riding a series of escalators up to the park’s highest point, before wandering slowly towards the largest bench I have ever seen.

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Email as literature?

Is the Internet good for literature? On first glance, it seems so. Between internet forums, blogs, messages and emails, nearly everyone is writing, and reading, certainly more than we did just a few years ago, when the ubiquity of television and the telephone seemed to be making literacy obsolete.

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Creating Black Americans

Nell Painter, author of Creating Black Americans: African-American History & Its Meanings, 1619 to the Present was a winner of the 22nd annual Myers Outstanding Book Awards.

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