Monthly Gleanings: February 2010
Anatoly Liberman ponders what he learned this month, “especially” the “buzzword” “neologist.”
Anatoly Liberman ponders what he learned this month, “especially” the “buzzword” “neologist.”
The podictionary word of the week is “ramshackle”.
Anatoly Liberman discusses the origins of the word “squeamish.”
The podictionary word of the week is “prince”.
Anatoly Liberman examines the origins and meanings of the word “pun.”
The podictionary word of the week is “geisha”.
Anatoly Liberman looks at the word “trash”.
The podictionary word of the week is “reptile”.
Anatoly answers questions.
The Podictionary word of the week is “number”.
Anatoly Liberman looks at the word “dregs”.
The podictionary word of the week is “brief”.
Anatoly Liberman looks at the word “dross”.
A closer look at the word “ventilated”.
The podictionary word of the week is “bulb”.
Anatoly Liberman’s weekly post.