If you haven’t already noticed, we now have a TWEET button. Look down. To the left. See it? Yeah. It’s awesome. Use it well.
Here are some other items I obsessed over this week.
In Mexico City, that plastic bag could get you a $90,000 fine, jail time. [BBC]
They call it the Snazzy Napper, but it’s more like the Snazzy You’re-about-to-have-your-purse-stolen-while-looking-ridiculous-er. [Urlesque]
Feel estranged from your friends who use Twitter? [GeekandPoke]
See kids? Sophomore Chemistry wasn’t a total waste of time. [FailBlog]
This song would be OK, but it features Rivers Cuomo, so that makes it awesome. [YouTube]
It’s almost time for school, so let’s make sure we all know how to write absurd, incoherent academic sentences. [UChicago]
This is a photo of our President being silly. [DailyWhat]
Could you live in these teeny tiny homes? [MNN]
They made an ice cream-serving robot. So, that’s that. [Eater]
20-Somethings. Sigh. [NYTimes]
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I had a tendency to overtweet when I first set mine up, so much so I had to delete everything in my account to make it look more professional.