This episode of The Oxford Comment includes discussion of sexual assault. Listener discretion is advised.
As students head back to university to start their fall semester, the conversation of consent will no doubt surround them on campus. But what can actually be defined as consent? Where do students learn what consent actually means? From the time of adolescence, students are taught the notion of consent, which impacts how they view the term in their later life.
On this episode of The Oxford Comment we are discussing how one’s thoughts on consent are formed over a lifetime. From what students learn in school to how popular culture in their teenage years frames their reference, the psychology of consent goes beyond a seminar at university orientation. But how students are taught consent in their formative years will affect how they perceive more sensitive topics like abuse and sexual assault in during their college years. We’re joined by Donna Freitas, author of Consent on Campus and Brendan Kiely (@KielyBrendan) author of All American Boys to further discuss the role consent plays from childhood to college campuses, and into adulthood.
RAINN: 800.656.4673 (U.S)
National Rape Crisis Helpline: 0808.802.9999 (U.K)
Rape and Domestic Violence Services: 1.800.424.017 (AUS)
Rape Crisis Europe: (International)
Featured image credit: Bonding Casual College by rawpixel. CC0 via Pixabay.
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