Earth Day is an annual celebration, championed by the Earth Day Network, which focuses on promoting environmental protection around the world. The Earth Day Network’s mission is to build a healthy, sustainable environment, address climate change, and protect the Earth for future generations. The theme for Earth Day 2016 is Trees for the Earth, raising awareness around protecting the Earth’s forests – with an aim to plant 7.8 billion trees by 2020. Taking place on 22 April, Earth Day has been celebrated since 1970, in over 192 countries.
To celebrate, we’re offering a selection of related content for you to explore and enjoy, including journal articles, special and virtual issues, blog posts, and much more. Join the discussion in the comment section below or by following the Twitter hashtag #EarthDay.
You can discover more about environmental protection by exploring our Earth Day 2016 collection page.
Featured image credit: Forest road, by valiunic. CC0 public domain via Pixabay.
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