To most of us, good scientific research is often defined by the “eureka” moment – the moment at which a successful result is discovered. We tend to only glorify research that leads us to definite solutions and we tend to only praise the scientists that are responsible for this research. In turn, many of the failures and blunders that precede scientific achievements are overlooked. However, these numerous mistakes and false findings during the pursuit of answers are vital to the learning process and therefore to scientific success. Take the quiz below to find out how much you know about mistakes that led to success. It’s okay to fail!
[qzzr quiz=”117310″ width=”100%” height=”auto” redirect=”true” offset=”0″]Feature image: 11-08-09 by Dov Harrington. CC BY 2.0 via Flickr.
Quiz Image: Photo by PublicDomainPictures. CC0 Public Domain via Pixabay.
Wait, what? Only a handful of professional baseball players have a batting average of .300? Over 200 is a pretty substantial handful, and that’s just counting MLB career stats, not all “professionals”.
This is leaving aside the comment that they “failed nearly 7/10 times”, which reveals an ignorance about what batting average is and what it measures.
But hey, don’t worry about it. It’s OK to fail!
You might want to correct your dates for Galen from 150-200 BCE (!) to 150-200 AD/CE.
tank you .