Most revered for his work on the polio vaccine, Jonas Salk was praised by the mainstream media but still struggled to earn the respect and adoration of the medical community. Accused of abusing the spotlight and giving little credit to fellow researchers, he arguably become more of an outcast than a “knight in a white coat.” Even so, Salk continued to make strides in the medical community, ultimately leaving behind a legacy larger than the criticism that had always threatened to overshadow his career. We sat down with Charlotte DeCroes Jacobs, author of Jonas Salk: A Life, to get to know a little more about the mysterious researcher and virologist, as well as some of his personal and professional highs and lows.
What is polio?
Why was Jonas Salk disliked by the medical community?
The man behind the lab coat
Image Credit: “Courtyard rill fountain — Salk Institute, La Jolla, California” by Jim Harper. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
I grew up in Palm Springs 1952-1973. I knew Dr. Herman Salk,he was our vetenarian for all our pets! Such interesting information on his brother,Jonas. I will have to read this book! I believe,Jonas, became such a celebrity,that he didn’t know how to handle such as that! Hopefully, that was the case. Barbara Jones Knod