Parents and educators everywhere want to introduce children to the world of reading, but the task of helping a child become an independent reader is increasingly difficult and daunting. How can you create a love for reading and learning with stories, lessons, and activities while also supporting reading development? Psychologists, educators, and authors of Book Smart: How to Develop and Support Successful, Motivated Readers, Anne E. Cunningham, PhD, and Jamie Zibulsky, PhD, examine the latest trends in education development and how they affect children’s literacy — navigating through the uncertainties of teaching children to read.
Jamie Zibulsky discusses the benefits that strong reading programs in universal pre-K can produce. Statistics indicate that if children from a low income family are given a strong pre-K education, they show better vocabulary, motivation in learning, and better social skills — mediating the playing field between high income and low income family children.
Anne E. Cunningham emphasizes the importance of a strong preschool and kindergarten experience. More complex texts are now being employed through the Common Core State Standards and they will make learning more difficult.
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