I’m delighted at how many readers have sent in Royal Wedding poems, proving that they are up to the challenge. Please keep sending them, and remember you can also enter to win Oxford World’s Classics by simply tweeting.
Here are just a few I’d like to share today, but now that you’ve all watched the ceremony (with undivided attention, of course) I expect many more to come.
* * *
There once was a bloke from Westminster
And a lady who feared being a spinster
They met at a school
And then had a duel
But made up and all’re happy he’s pinched her.
* * *
Said Prince William, admiring his commoner,
“Such pageantry’s cert’nly becomin’ ‘er,
As my bride-to-be’s hot,
(Though I dare say there’s not
As much as some think of my Mum in ‘er.)”
Said the Chancellor of England’s Exchequer:
“Young prince, have no royal home-wrecker;
For your troth, once avowed,
Brings the touristy crowd
To Big Ben and the red double-decker.”
* * *
William and Kate, lovely pair!
They each have their burdens to bear
Will gets the throne
But AFTER Charles (groan!)
While Kate gets to pop out an heir.
V good! You’ve inspired me to write one as well: