Fine and Dandy (In All Except Etymology)
Anatoly Liberman discusses the etymology of “dandy.”
Anatoly Liberman discusses the etymology of “dandy.”
Anatoly Liberman discusses the etymologies of “good” and “god” and demonstrates the two words are not related.
Anatoly Liberman responds to readers’ questions and comments.
Anatoly Liberman discusses the etymology of words with silent letters.
Anatoly Liberman examines meaning of the word Kike.
Anatoly Liberman examines the history behind the words ocean and sea.
Anatoly Liberman’s monthly gleanings.
Anatoly Liberman discovers connections between the origins of the words cobbler and clobber.
Anatoly Liberman looks at the word “chestnut.”
Anatoly looks at oof and
Anatoly Liberman’s gleanings.
By Anatoly Liberman Squaw. My post on squaw produced some ripples. Three lawyers from Michigan gave me the lashing of their tongue(s). (I am sorry for the parentheses, but I always feel uncomfortable when I have to say something like: “Three people put their foot in their mouth.” Should it be feet and mouths?) Their […]
Anatoly looks at spelling reform, specifically at “sk” and “sc”.
Anatoly Liberman explains the etymology of compound words, notably, blackguard.
Anatoly Liberman tours the history of the word tram.
Probably no other ethnic group has been vilified with so much linguistic ingenuity as the Jews. For the moment I will leave out of account Kike and Smouch and say what little I can about Sheeny, a word first recorded in English in 1824 (so the OED).