Some say it is the effect of Gareth Malone’s TV programme The Choir, others claim that it is a result of research pointing to the many health benefits of singing in a choir; whatever the cause, it is undeniable that choral singing in the UK has seen something of a renaissance in recent years. The growth in the number of choirs and the number of people singing in choirs is seemingly unstoppable.
Earlier this year, Voices Now published the results of their Big Choral Census, a research project to find out how many choirs there are in the UK. The results, showing that over 2 million people sing regularly in a choir of some kind, are both surprising and encouraging. Explore the infographic below to find out more about the state of choral singing in the UK.
Download the infographic as JPEG or PDF.
Featured image credit: Birds swifts singing by Dieter_G. Public domain via Pixabay.
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