Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

Orlando: An audio guide

In honor of Virginia Woolf’s death (March 28, 1941), listen to Dr Michael Whitworth, editor of the Oxford edition of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, introduce the novel, and discuss Woolf’s life and times in this Oxford World’s Classics audio guide.

“I feel the need of an escapade after these serious poetic experimental books…I want to kick up my heels and be off.”

Orlando tells the tale of an extraordinary individual who lives through history first as a man, then as a woman. At its heart is the figure of Woolf’s friend and lover, Vita Sackville-West, and Knole, the historic home of the Sackvilles. Orlando mocks the conventions of biography and history and wryly examines sexual double standards.

Listen to this audio guide to learn more about Virginia Woolf’s private life; her relationship with Vita Sackville-West, and mental health, her place in the modernist movement, and why writing Orlando was so important to this pioneering author.


Featured image credit: Featured image credit: “Istanbu, church…” by waldomiguez. CC0 Public Domain via Pixabay.

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