DISCLAIMER: None of these links are in the spirit of April Fools, so worry not. You’re not going to click anything that will cause a startling pop-up or download something you don’t want on your computer. We wouldn’t do that to you. (Or would we?) (No, we would not.)
This machine is running on magic. [Urlesque]
I’m not much of a cats-on-the-internet person, but you have to see this. [Next Web]
10 stories that could be April Fools Pranks, but aren’t. [BBC]
Here’s a breakdown of April Fools jokes you might fall for today. [TechCrunch]
Have a lot of reading to do? Then learn to speed read. [Column 5]
The escaped Bronx Zoo cobra’s twitter? It was great while it lasted. [City Room]
When pop-ups attack: Muppets edition [YouTube]
Who says twins don’t have a secret language? [YouTube]
Time Magazine has a new photo feature, LightBox. [Time]
This kid can pop-and-lock like…someone who is very talented at it. [Daily What]
The existential despair of Peanuts cartoons when you excise the last panel. [3eanuts]
Take a mental vacation to the Sistine Chapel. [Vatican]
This is terrifying, but also incredible. [Sebmontaz]
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