All week, Beliebers have raged on about Arcade Fire, a band they’ve apparently never heard of. I’d like to introduce them to you. If you don’t have time to take a listen now, don’t worry, they’re going to make a record in the month of May. (That’s a little joke.) [Myspace]
And speaking of Justin Bieber, the young pop star’s remarks in an interview are the subject of widespread anger and controversy. [Rolling Stone]
Mr. Graham discovers the extreme fear of conducting a professional orchestra. [Morning News]
Looking for a totally normal cabinet? Then look elsewhere. [Like Cool]
So what do you do when you’re stuck in a Las Vegas room with nothing to do… [Awesome Robo]
And I thought apartments in New York were small! [GOOD]
Just makes you wanna make a big mess, huh? [Laughing Squid]
I think Finland may have a coffee drinking problem. [Charts Bin]
Some people think Lady Gaga’s new song sounds a lot like Madonna, but at least we got this out of it! [Omar Afuni]
Julian Smith interviews James Cameron in the most awkward way ever. [Crack in the Universe]
And lastly, do you want to see the best picture on the internet?
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