Ben Keene just can’t get enough blogging! Check out the hot news story he dug up.
I can’t claim credit for breaking this story, but neither could I keep it to myself. Apparently, the secret to staying young isn’t an age-reducing cream or some sort of cocktail of pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements. It’s travel. At least that’s what has worked for Barbara Hillary (who also seems to think that remaining single has aided her longevity), a seventy-five year old former nurse who just returned from a trip to the top of the world, becoming the first African American woman to do so. Although it wasn’t until 1992 that she first ventured beyond US borders, Hillary has since visited Guyana and Manitoba, where she photographed polar bears.
Inspired by arctic explorer Matthew Henson and a desire to see the consequences of global warming firsthand, Hillary reached the North Pole on Monday, April 23rd after three days of skiing across the ice with a heavy sled in tow. When asked about visiting other, slightly more accessible locations such as Europe before she left, her answer was quite frank: “You can go there when you’re propped up in a casket.”
Ben Keene is the editor of Oxford Atlas of the World. Check out some of his previous places of the week.
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