Coordinates: 41 13 N 1 40 E
Population: 62,826 (2006 est.)
For all the distressing news dominating headlines, people the world over always find many reasons celebrate life. And over the centuries, we’ve become quite good at creating traditions and rituals to reinforce the importance of these occasions. On the Mediterranean coast of northeastern Spain, for instance, not far from Barcelona, the town of Vilanova i la Geltrú celebrates its carnival.
Each February in this fishing port, colorful costumes, lively music, and a massive outdoor candy battle or Batalla de Carmellos precede the burial of a sardine symbolizing Carnestoltes, the king of the festival. Calm is once again restored to the medieval streets at the end of the month after the revelers have returned home to sleep off their cava, Spain’s version of champagne, which is produced in the region surrounding the town.
Ben Keene is the editor of Oxford Atlas of the World. Check out some of his previous places of the week.
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