Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

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An introduction to migration in the ancient world [interactive map]

Migration has played a vital role in shaping human history and continues to have profound effects on the world today. Historically, the movement of people across regions has facilitated the exchange of ideas, technologies, and cultures, leading to significant advancements and the enrichment of societies. The Silk Road, a network of trade routes connecting Asia with Europe, not only enabled the exchange of goods such as silk and spices but also facilitated the spread of religions like Buddhism. Similarly, the spread of the Islamic Empire across North Africa, the Middle East, and into parts of Europe brought about a flourishing of science, philosophy, and architecture, as well as the blending of diverse cultures and knowledge. Migration also occurred through slaverly, and as a result of warfare and oppressive rule.

This autumn, the OUP Classics and Archaeology team will be exploring migration across the classical world, sharing author insights on the OUPblog, and highlighting articles and chapters from our online products, which you can access through your institution. Discover recommended reading on migration in the ancient world with our interactive map.

Featured image by Alexis Antione via Unsplash. Public domain. 

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