On Tuesday, we shared our editors’ selections of the best of OUPblog publishing this year, and now it’s time to examine another measure: popularity, or in our case, pageviews. Our most-read blog posts of 2015 are… not published in 2015. Once again, Galileo, Cleopatra, antibiotics, and quantum theory dominated our traffic, and of our publishing this year, none of our most-trafficked articles made the editors’s picks. (This is something of a pattern. When we compiled our selections of the best of OUPblog’s publishing for our tenth anniversary, only one of the articles was in our list of top articles in terms of traffic.) Here’s the list of our top article published in 2015 in terms of number of pageviews.
#10 Women in Philosophy: A reading list
A reading list of key feminist and female philosophers
#9 Does philosophy matter?
The Philosophy in Action series editor speaks about the importance of philosophy
#8 The impossibility of perfect forgeries?
Although perfect forgeries might well be possible, we can never know, of a particular object, that it is a perfect forgery
#7 Four myths about the status of women in the early church
Author Susan Hylen discusses common myths concerning women and the church
#6 Ten myths about the French Revolution
Marisa Linton, author of ‘Choosing Terror’, debunks ten of the most pervasive myths regarding the French Revolution
#5 Seeing things the way they are
John R. Searle discusses the tough philosophical questions surrounding perception.
#4 Does a person’s personality change when they speak another language?
Arturo Hernandez on language, culture, memory, context — and personality changes
#3 The Ku Klux Klan in history and today
David Cunningham talks about the most common questions he gets as a Ku Klux Klan scholar
#2 Our exhausted (first) world: a plea for 21st-century existential philosophy
Kierkegaard’s diagnosis of our age (originally of his ‘early 19th-Century backwater of Europe’ age, but plus ça change…) is correct: we are failing to think in the right way about the demands of subjectivity, and indeed what it is to be a subject.
#1 10 academic books that changed the world
Which academic books do you think had the biggest impact on the world?
Featured image: Desk. Photo by Rayi Christian Wicaksono. CC0 via Unsplash.
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