Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World


Shale oil and gas in the United States [infographic]

The growth of shale oil and gas production in the United States over the last decade has been nothing short of phenomenal. Already the premier natural gas producer, the United States is poised to surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia as the largest oil producer and will likely become a net exporter of both oil and gas within a decade or more thanks to unconventional resource extraction.

Our infographic below illustrates some of the key facts and statistics on shale resources in the United States, including some of the reasons that the United States represents a benchmark by which countries similarly endowed with shale resources can be evaluated.

JWELB Shale oil and gas  Infographic

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Featured image credit: Pumpjacks by Arne Hückelheim. CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Recent Comments

  1. Nick

    A great news for the oil and gas companies in US. Can anyone tell me how the shale oil is produced?

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