With China’s continued emergence as an economic and political superpower, there is a growing need for those in the West to understand the distinct way in which the Chinese people view the mind and its study. Although Chinese philosophy is steeped in considerations of the nature of the mind, psychology as it is understood in the West was not a discipline practiced in China until its introduction in the 19th Century.
In The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Psychology, edited by Michael Harris Bond, a variety of leading experts provide a detailed yet accessible exploration of topics related to Chinese thought processes and identity, analysing their role in the creation of Chinese culture as it exists today as well as focusing on inter-cultural relations with the Chinese, showing how professionals can work more effectively when conducting business with Chinese people.
To celebrate Chinese New Year, here is an infographic detailing the adoption and transformation of psychology as a subject of study in China.
Download the infographic in pdf or jpeg.
Image Credit: “Edmonton Chinese New Year 2015.” Photo by IQRemix. CC by SA 2.0 via Flickr.
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