Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

Announcing Place of the Year 2014 longlist: Vote for your pick

With the end of 2014 approaching and the publication of the 21st edition of Oxford’s Atlas of the World, we’re considering the most noteworthy places from the past year.

We’ve compiled a long list of ten places that stood out to us in 2014, and you can vote for your choice below. Additionally, we’d love to receive nominations that are not included on this long list, and those can be submitted via the comments section. Follow along with #POTY2014 until our announcement on 1 December.

As can be seen in the video we put together of a few  of our past winners, Places of the Year have been as geographically varied as Warming Island and Mars, so feel free to be as imaginative as you’d like with your nominations. We will post the short list on 3 November, and the Place of the Year 2014 will be announced on 1 December. In the interim, be on the lookout for more information on this year’s nominees as well as past winners with maps, videos, and more.

Image credit: World map made with natural earth data, Eckert 4 projection, central meridian 10° east. CC0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Recent Comments

  1. Inci Birdal

    I think Kobanê should be the first to be considered on this list!

  2. Euthemia Gilman

    Artic Ciircle…the melting polar ice caps due to climate change…..hte most life-changing event for the entire earth.

  3. […] to everyone who voted over the few weeks as we considered our 2014 Place of the Year longlist. Now that the votes are in, we’ve narrowed the nominees down to a shortlist of five, and […]

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