In early April, the American Society of International Law and the International Law Association held a joint conference around the theme “The Effectiveness of International Law.” We may not have been able to do everything on our wishlist, but there are plenty of round-ups to catch up on all the news and events: ASIL Cables posted throughout the conference; the International Law Prof Blog wrote a piece on three female judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), who were honored at the conference; IntLawGrrls posted a group photo of all members attending this year’s conference; and DipLawMatic Dialogues blogged from a librarians perspective on the proceedings of ILA-ASIL, including a piece on the Clive Parry Consolidated Treaty Series.
We were delighted to see so many friendly faces. Below is a slideshow featuring some of the authors, editors, and contributors who stopped by to say hello during the week.
Kai Ambos
Author of Treatise on International Criminal Law volumes I and II
Jane McAdam
Author of Climate Change, Forced Migration, and International Law as well as editor of International Journal of Refugee Law
Antonios Tzanakopoulos
Author of Disobeying the Security Council: Countermeasures against Wrongful Sanctions, and OUP’s very own John Louth
Yuval Shany
Author of Assessing the Effectiveness of International Courts
Dieter Fleck
Editor of the Handbook of International Humanitarian Law 3rd edition
Pieter Jan Kuijper
Co-author of the Law of EU External Relations
Jean d'Aspremont
Author of Formalism and the Sources of International Law
David Caron
Co-author of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2nd edition with OUP’s very own Merel Alstein
Salvatore Zappala
Editor of Journal of International Criminal Justice
Ben Saul
Co-author of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Ganesh Sitaraman
Author of The Counterinsurgent’s Constitution
Anne Peters
Co-Editor of the Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law
Ruti Teitel
Author of Globalizing Transitional Justice
Cesare Romano
Editor of the Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication
Martins Paparinskis
Author of the International Minimum Standard and Fair and Equitable Treatment, stops by the booth between his talks
Guy S. Goodwin Gill
Founding editor of International Journal of Refugee Law, celebrates 25 years since the journal first launched
Won Kidane
Co-author of Litigating War: Mass Civil Injury and the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission
Sean Murphy
Co-author of Litigating War
Duncan Hollis
Author of the Oxford Guide to Treaties
Mike Newton
Author of Proportionality in International Law
[…] the conference we connected with authors, editors, and contributors to Oxford University Press […]