Women musicians are constantly pushing societal boundaries around the world, while hitting all the right notes. In honor of Women’s History Month, Oxford University Press is testing your knowledge about women musicians. Take the quiz and see if you’re a shower singer or an international composer!
[slickquiz id=42]Maggie Belnap is an intern in the Social Media Department at Oxford University Press. She is a student at Amherst College.
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[…] Press is also keeping in line with women’s recognition this month with the release of their new quiz on women who made significant contributions to the music […]
I think that you messed up a bit in your quiz about women musicians. The answer you gave for Big Mama Thornton’s recording of Lieber and Stoller’s song was made for Peacock Records in August, 1952. Elvis Presley’s take was recorded in July, 1956. That’s pretty close to FOUR years. If you count when their recordings were released, it’s approximately 3.5 years. I would have said her recording was RELEASED a little more than three years before Elvis’ recorded his version.