Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

Finding career success through authenticity

“Knowledge workers,” or people who think for a living, continue to be major players in the global economy. In today’s competitive job market, creating a successful career in a knowledge work field takes more than a college degree. One of the keys to success is authenticity: understanding yourself so that you can take charge of your own work.

We’ve gathered advice from An Intelligent Career: Taking Ownership of Your Work and Your Life for the following infographic on how knowledge workers can improve their careers by employing authenticity.

An Intelligent Career - Infographic - FINAL1

Download the infographic as a PDF or JPEG.

Featured image credit: Untitled by rawpixel.com. CC0 via Pexels.

Recent Comments

  1. Laura Lewis-Barr

    Appreciated this article. Authenticity is related to emotional intelligence. As someone who teaches emotional intelligence, I know how vital the skill is and how much practice it can take to change habits. It is important to have a way to explore triggers and develop new responses — such as journaling or mindfulness to switch from ingrained automatic habits. These is a card deck on Amazon that can help individuals and teams practice EI skills throughout the year.

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