Oxford University Press's
Academic Insights for the Thinking World

Friday procrastination: link love – pouts, sulks, and shameless promotion

Happy Friday to all. I hope your Thanksgiving celebrations were family filled and that you didn’t spend too much money on Black Friday. Below are the sites that have been keeping me from my work all week!

Ever wondered about the tumultuous history of the Middle East? Watch 5,000 years of history in 90 seconds here. Are you more interested in the religious history of the world? Watch religion spread here.

[Via Kenyon Review] A new theory of art that proposes that art “did not arise to spotlight the few, but rather to summon the many to come join the parade.”

The end of the year “best” lists begin. The Guardian, NYTimes, and The NBCC should get your started nicely.

Sulk means to:

  • marvel
  • pout
  • burn
  • adhere

If you guessed pout, not only are you smart but you can help the United Nations World Food Program. Play here.

What you should buy me for the holidays.

Are you smarter than a preschooler? Apparently, I am not.

Visual News.

Shameless family promotion (my brother is the director). If you live in D.C. check out the Washington Jewish Film Festival from November 29- December 9, tons of good films to see.

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